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5305-sep 2025 Form: What You Should Know

The annual benefit is equal to 25.6% of annual salary and not indexed to inflation.  Income Limits for SEP Plans — If the contribution is more than 56,000. The employee must make 30% of the excess, or 10,600, of the first 10,000. And 35% of the excess, or 11,600, of the first 10,000. + 40% of the remainder. An exception is made for those who elect not to opt in by making the annual contribution, and it is not more than 56,000. This 10,600/10,000 rule is applied to the remainder at retirement age. Also, for 2016, a SEP-IRA contribution is made to an IRA up to age 59. When the funds in the IRA reach age 70.6, the employer may take the excess to an SEP-IRA plan instead and use the IRA money for a SEP plan. See also the following websites: The SEP-IRA program, by the Pension Specialists of Fidelity Investments  SEP IRAs.  Retirement Savings Education (SEA) Retirement Savings Education (SEA) is an independent company providing retirement education services to small and large employers nationwide, and its member employers include: American Family Insurance Co,  American Family Self Ins In vestment Plan (AFSEP), American Family Group, Inc.,  American Family Trust, Inc., American Farm Bureau, Inc.  American Family Wealth Center (AFC), America, Inc.  American Financial Group Inc.,  Arbor Network, Inc.  Bond Market Dynamics & Research Corporation  Bundesbank Hauskreiglehre AG  C.H. Robinson, Inc.  Constant Capital Corporation  C.H. Robinson, Inc.  Corporate Tax Institute, Inc. Council for Community and Economic Research, Inc.  Cymbeline Capital Management Group, Ltd.  Cypress Financial, Inc. H&R Block, Inc.  Infinite Mortgage Solutions, Inc.  Kellogg Co., Inc.  Lewis-Clark Inc.  Mass Mutual Financial Company  McGraw Hill Financial Services, Inc.

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