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Form 5305-SIMPLE Salt Lake City Utah: What You Should Know

Form 5305-SIMPLE for individuals who are not subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty and who are age 49 and older, a spouse age 25 and younger and a qualified individual with an account for an individual under age 50 that has at least 1,000 in annual contributions, and all dependent children under age 17 with an account that also has at least 1,000. 9 Aug 2025 β€” To establish an IRA plan to offer certain qualified individual retirement plans (Rings), to establish an IRA plan to offer certain types of Rings, you must be a corporation, and you must have a written plan document that meets the requirements for Form 5305-SIMPLE Form 5305-SIMPLE (Rev. March 2012) β€” IRS Form 5305-SIMPLE is a model SIMPLE plan document that is used by employers and employees toΒ  create a SIMPLE IRA. Form 5305 is for all employers, including those using a SIMPLE plan, but for IRAs only if your employees' accounts are at a financial institution. Tax Strategies and Information for Utah Business Owners Free tax strategies for Utah business owners including financial guides and tax calculators courtesy of Butler Tax & Accounting Services. 11 Aug 2025 β€” An employer must have a plan document that meets the requirements for Form 5305-SIMPLE if the employee is age 18 at the time he or she is hired. Form 3115, IRA Plan Amendment For most employers, Form 3115 is generally sufficient to modify an existing IRA plan to provide more flexibility or to supplement the IRA plan with a new plan. 11 Aug 2025 β€” If your employees do not have a company plan, you can amend their IRA plan on their behalf. A plan Amendment is a written document that allows a company that is not a plan sponsor to modify or amend the IRA plan that some or all employees of an employee organization have with the federal, state, or local government. Form 4067, Notice of Qualified Deferral When an employee makes a qualified deferral for a plan year, the employer may file an election for any of the years in which the employee has a qualified deferral. The Form 4067 must be filed with the appropriate TIN of the eligible employees. If the Plan Sponsor is the same organization that was the Plan Sponsor for the plan year, File an Election for Any of the Years in Which the Employee Has a Qualified Deferral.

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